LSPR-Centre For ASEAN Public Relations Studies (CAPRS) cooperated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs held ASEAN Goes To School with the theme “Knowing ASEAN Education” on Friday, 18 March 2016, at 9 AM until 11:30 PM. The first school to host this event is SMA LabSchool Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur and the participants were students organisations representatives such as OSIS, MPK, ROHIS and class presidents. The objective of this activity is to educate the students about ASEAN so they will be ready for ASEAN Community challenge in the future.

Appproximately at 8:30 in the morning, students of SMA Labschool were ready to register in the venue and entered the room enthusiastically. ASEAN Goes To School was opened by a speech by SMA Labschool representative, Mr Parno Supriatno, as the Vice Head of School in Students Affairs. In his speech, he mentioned the importance of knowing ASEAN, especially AEC for the students.

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There were three speakers filling in the whole session of this event; Mr Hikmat Moeljawan (Head of Data and Paperwork, Setditjen ASEAN Cooperation), Mrs Yuliana Riana, MM (Head of Centre for ASEAN PR Studies) and Chrisdina Wempi, M.Si (Head of Quality Assurance and LSPR Lecturer).

Mr Hikmat Moeljawan spoke about Indonesia and ASEAN, as well as the role of our nation in establishing ASEAN Community. He also mentioned the contribution of Indonesia in economy and AEC. Another main point he said: with Indonesia, ASEAN is strong! With ASEAN, Indonesia moves forward!

Mrs Yuliana Riana P, MM described about ASEAN University and Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) and how the youth can actively be a part of ASEAN Community in their field. There are 6500 universities in ASEAN and some of them are the best in Asia and the world. This means to connect and interact between fellow ASEAN students is important, as well as the chance to study accross ASEAN universities. Mrs Yuliana also elaborate about MRA as a step to be acknowledged of in terms of their qualification in many fields as a professional. So far, there are 8 MRAs already established in ASEAN such as: engineering, nursing, architectural, surveying, tourism professional, medical practitioners, dental, and accounting.

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Mrs Chisdina Wempi, M.Si presented about ASEAN University Network (AUN) background that was first established in November 1995 with only 7 universities in 10 ASEAN members.Mrs Chrisdina also told the activities done by AUN like scholarship programme, collaborative research and ASEAN graduate business programme. Mrs Dina also stressed on how choosing unviersity and higher education are taken into account for the students so they can be educated in AUN standard campus.

This event was moderated by Past Novel (Secretary General of CAPRS)and Nareswari (Research Staff of CAPRS). These two MCs brought enjoyable atmosphere during the programme and the participants were also enthusiast and actively engaged during the whole session. Various interesting souvenirs from LSPR and Ministry of Foreign Affairs were awarded to students as appreciation of their active participation in asking and answering questions.