Prof. Anne Gregory, a professor of corporate communication and a leading international academic, visited London School of Public Relations – Jakarta on Tuesday, 6th March 2018 to share her research on Global Capabilities Framework for Public Relations and Communication Management. This research was done by Prof. Anne Gregory herself and Jon Langley from Torchbearers.
As the key mission of the Global Alliance to find the standards that unite us while identifying the diversity among the many ways in which public relations and communication management are practised, this research is conducted with hope to jointly raise the standards and to globalize PR profession.
This research evolved from the result of extensive analysis and examination of over 31 credential schemes, education frameworks and scholarly work in the area of communication management and public relations. This was essentially a benchmarking exercise. It was first developed in 2015 at the request of Global Alliance member organizations that wished to examine the possibility of setting a global standard for the practice of public relations and communication management.
The objective was to create a forward-looking competency and capability framework that captured contemporary KSABs and those that will be needed in the future. For example, a current hard trend is the commoditization of public relations tasks (think UBER and AirBnB) and just around the corner, the ability to interact with robotic tools that are able to auto-generate text.
This competencies and capabilities could be seen through 3 approaches:
a. Internal approach: Competence approach includes attributes of individuals in knowledge, skills, attributes and behaviours.
b. External approach: Competence approach includes the requirements of profession.
c. Holistic approach: Capability approach includes profession’s needs in context.
The Global Capabilities Framework for Public Relations and Communication Management research has been implemented to 9 countries and still counting. Although the objective is to create a global standard PR with same criteria, each country could add its own uniqueness.
These are the final draft on global result:
a. Communication Capabilities
• To align communication planning with organisational strategy, purpose and values.
• To apply active problem solving to organizational communication.
• To conduct formative and evaluative research to underpin communication strategies and tactics.
• To communicate effectively across a full range of platforms and technologies.
b. Professional Capabilities
• To provide valued counsel and be a trusted advisor.
• To work within an ethical framework on behalf of the organization, in line with professional and societal expectations.
• To develop self and others, including continuing professional development.
Before the sharing session was closed by Mrs. Yuliana R. Prasetyawati as Head of CAPRS and Moderator, Mrs. Yolanda Stellarosa presented a plaque of appreciation to Prof. Anne Gregory on behalf of LSPR – Jakarta.