In the ASEAN-China Relationship framework, the Centre for ASEAN Public Relations Studies (CAPRS), which is the ASEAN Study Centre of LSPR-Jakarta, was invited by the Ambassador of China Mission to ASEAN, H.E. Xuang Xilian to attend the China Mission – LSPR Youth Cultural Gathering event at the Ambassador’s residence on Thursday, July 26, 2018.

H.E. Huang Xilian invites LSPR to join “China Mission – LSPR Youth Cultural Gathering” in his Resident
This “China Mission – LSPR Youth Cultural Gathering” event was held as the implementation of ASEAN socio-cultural society pillars which prioritizing the community-centered and community-driven forms of cooperation, to strengthen the ASEAN integration and awareness, solidarity, partnership and a sense of community in ASEAN. Students of LSPR have the opportunity to perform Indonesia’s traditional songs such as Bungong Jempa, Butet, Sirih Kuning, and traditional dances such as Zapin dan Renggong Manis in front of China Mission to ASEAN diplomats as the way to promote Indonesian cultural diversity effectively in an entertaining way. Surprisingly, Butet song which originally is from the North Sumatra was quite popular amongst Chinese.
In his speech, H.E. Ambassador Xuang Xilian conveyed that the young generation is symbolized as a bright and dynamic sun for his/her country. This young generation will be the leader who strengthens the relations between ASEAN and China in the future. In 2018, the Chinese government has just launched the “ASEAN-China Innovation Year” in Beijing on April 12, 2018, and hopes to increase cooperation in technological innovation and the digital economy areas. ASEAN-China has agreed to continuously update various activities to support the ASEAN-China Innovation Year, which includes a joint statement on science, technology, and innovation.
In this year, 2018, is really special as we commemorate the 15th Anniversary of the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership. China has become ASEAN’s biggest trading partner for nine years in a row, since the establishment of this partnership. By 2017, the total value of China-ASEAN trade has reached US $ 514.82 billion. While the total trade of China to Indonesia is worth more than $ 63.3 billion. Another benefit felt by Indonesia as one of the ASEAN member countries is the increasing number of Chinese tourists visiting Indonesia and many Indonesian students studying in China. In the future, China and ASEAN’s strategic partnership will be continued by the younger generation to enhance ASEAN connectivity, narrow the development gap, and also to encourage the development cooperation.