Warm Greetings from Business Faculty of LSPR Communication & Business Institute
We proudly present our 3rd Webinar Series from the Faculty of Business, The theme of this webinar is “Values in The Digital Economy” with speakers from our strategic partner, Alibaba Business School, Mr. Zhou Yong as Secretary General of Alibaba GET Network. The webinar will start with an opening speech from the Ambassador China Mission to ASEAN, H.E Deng Xijun and CEO & Founder LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR will give closing remarks. This time, Cyntia Keliat, Deputy Head of Undergraduate Program in Management will be moderated the event,
The webinar will be held on:
Day/Date : Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Time : 14.30 – 16.00 WIB
Platform. : Google Meets
Kindly register on the link below
#LSPR2020 #Businessfaculty